so it`s ok to me to change it
A read the extra pages in the manga and it says that Shamshir is a scimitar. wich is a backs sword or sabre with a curved blade.
I uploaded this image of Babara.
The one who can repair other imperial Arms could be a good ideia if done properly, but the first two dosen`t sond likes it would be somethink that would come from the Akame ga kill universe.
Wait, there were alredy removed. Nevermind
I kind of uploaded I image that I din`t liked and I wish to removed, is there is anyway to do that?
I excited to see how it is going to work, beacuse Akame ga Kill wasn`t bas, but there are some negatives. Hinowa ga Crush alredy corrected some negatives of Akame ga Kill and the art style has improve.
I glad that the locacions have actual names isted of things like "The Empire" and I wander how charecters will fight since we won`t see much Teigus if it is going to be one in HInowa ga Crush.
Rongo Rongo is a 1000 year old book if it was made from normal papel it would end up becoming a pile of crumbled papel and there is humans with the hability to stop time so it can exist magic papel that don`t get wet.
The book could end up in the beach in some contry.
About Gaea Foundation, the teigu always disappears when it is use, so if you use the teigu before leaving your house or use it without anyone looking, no one will find it weird
I think that Balzac would be useful, but it depends on the users potential.
In my opinion the most useful Teigus would be:
Spectator, read peoples minds
Mastema, never need to walk again.
Lionelle, healing factor.
Perfector if you are a doctor, writter or artist.
without particullar order.
I mean, Teigus can be only use by those who are mentally and physically strong, isn`t.
But the Emperor don`t looks like he is neither of them, maybe is because the only requirement to use Shikoutazer is to have the emperor`s blood, but I always thought that you needed to be strong to control the Danger best inside the weapon.
It only gives you "the ability to appear as a competent sniper", all the other teigus increase the users skills or given them super powers(some do both of them), but this one does that in a very bad way. If the user could control the arrows it would be great, but you need to know the name and you won`t know that a lot of times.
When I think about it. It makes sense of why we dind´t saw a Gran Chariot spear version, but I still wander if Gran Chariot has or not has a secondary weapon and what the name would be.
We only see in the anime once I think and it never got a name. Does Gran Chariot has a spear, I mean maybe we never saw because maybe Wave never thought he could do it, just like invisibility (Wave does´t know he can do that). I mean isn´t Gran Chariot a better version of Incursio.