I must agree without the Prime Minister everything would be different actually Night Raids main goal is to kill him
I mean he is the main antagonist after all
Yeah he should die painful but the problem is that in Night Raid doesnt exist a character that kills painful and slow Akame would finish Ohnest quickly because its her style Tatsumi too
The only characters that kill slowly and painful were on the Ministers side well
It wont be easy killing Honest...Honest seems to be chilled even now after losing Budo he still is calm
Probably that Ultimate Teigu must be impressive
Another move ? so OP but i think Tatsumi is on Esdeath level soon In my opinion Esdeath is the only one who is stronger than Tatsumi because i dont think that Wave can keep up with Tatsumi like he is now i first released that when Tatsumi punched Syura,Dorothea and Suzuka after that surprising Izou and then only Esdeath and Budo could do something against him and thats prove that Tatsumi is much stronger than Wave now
Honestly Esdeath is like a female version of Madara Uchiha for me
Thats true he is on his side thats what i like about him and he stays with the empire because they allow it he said it himself and Esdeath is actually the same just a bit different
Well but Izous goal is it to feed his sword koustesu with blood and the empire only allows it the revolution army wouldnt accept it if he just kills people Izou is just like Esdeath bloodthirsty i dont think he changes sides but i think he will die after the minister he and Esdeath will continue fighting rebels for fun
well i hoped that Tatsumi wont die
but why akame? Akaem ga Kill is it called but Tatsumi did much more than Akame
Well my favorite is still alive but its just a matter of time until Izou dies because i think only tatsumi wave and akame survivors but i hope not
Everyone dies actually in this series
Also Najenda said Esdeath wont go down before Honest and Izou was shown to be similar to that I think Izou and Esdeath will be deafeted after Honest
That would be cool My theory Esdeath=Tatsumis end boss
Izou=Akames End Boss
About Dorothea i cant imagine how she would die
Well yeah i hope That things with Tatsumi are different that he wont die
But i feel like he will be consumed by the tyrant and i think Akame or Wave (somehow i feel like this) must kill him because he attacks everyone and goes berserk
My favorites
male: Izou and Bulat
female: Dorothea and Cosmina