It’s all nothing more than possibilities…until they’re no longer possibilities.
It’s only the opinion of the viewer. Both were powerful wielders in their own right. Tatsumi, however, made Incursio evolve too much over a short time period, which made him more powerful, but at a cost.
It looks like a regular piece of cloth that can be worn on the head.
Anime simply had color. One of the only good things about the manga is that Tatsumi and Mine lived past the war.
Identifying the graves.
If it were such, why eliminate the women that made up the majority of Night Raid?
We probably wouldn’t be able to watch it except on the Internet.
There is in fanfiction; we can always give a deus ex machina in fanfiction.
May they return to life one day!
What are you talking about, Turner Blackey?
Not dead spirits. Angels. Angels have halos,
Just me saying this: People only live after death in the memories of other people. That’s like supernatural beings that live on through myths and legends; the more widespread their myths become, the more they live on.
Post-revolution, perhaps? What happens after a revolution is up to the people on all sides, not just the government.
Akame would be one chapter closer to finding a means to return Tatsumi to human form, one chapter closer to obtaining some kind of hope.
Only time will tell.
If it was such an item, it’s anyone’s guess if it still works.
I only know Tatsumi. Who are the other two men?
And because it’s set in the manga, we won’t know if Tatsumi will ever return to his human form again because of Akame searching for him.
Only time will tell.
The anime deviates from the manga after a few chapters. This happens in some manga-based anime; they split into separate universes where some characters die and some survive. In either case, the characters dying just makes it harder to accept the series afterward because you start to like them.