I've seen in other wikias a restricition to only include pictures in png format. That is to ensure size and quality. No jpg or gif (unless animated). Can we incorporate such a guideline here? A big cleanup would be required, but... What say you all?
I've seen in other wikias a restricition to only include pictures in png format. That is to ensure size and quality. No jpg or gif (unless animated). Can we incorporate such a guideline here? A big cleanup would be required, but... What say you all?
This is what the symbol mean: 代 - Decade, 代前半 - Early decade, 代中半 - Mid decade, 歲 - Actual age, 歲付近 - close to age.
Actually, she is between 10-19. No additional info is given. Very few characters have actual age stated. Most just have their generations.
I support, I support. Very nice!
Ok. I have no problem. It just seemed to me that the current split include too few chapters (5, 5, 8), since of the two arcs we know, they each have 16 and 12+ chapters accordingly, by adding the tree together we have 18, which I thought was more consistent. Nevertheless, I have no problem with the original split.
So, can we go ahead and start organizing history sections accross the wiki by my original recommendation?
The Tree Beasts Arc: Vol. 3 (5 chapters)
The Jaegers Arc: Vol. 4 (5 chapters)
The Attack from Team Stylish Arc: Vol. 5-6 (8 chapters) - could be included in Jaegers Arc.
Religious Organization Battle Arc: Vol. 7-9 (28-53, 16 chapters)
Empire in Chaos Arc: Vol. 10 - present (chapter 44 forward)
If you guys and gals are going with this, looking at the length in terms of number of chapters, maybe we could group The Three Beast, The Jaegers and The Team Stylish arcs under the heading: Empire Strikes Back Arc (sudden deja vu with Star Wars!) or Empire's offensive Arc.
Since there seems to be no name for the first arcs, but we can use the volumes to help us figure them out. These is what I manage to compile. Further breakdown/grouping is possible.
Introductory Arc: Vols. 1-2 (9 chapters) - Episodic chapters with no common denominator (that I could see) except for Tatsumi's develpment up to the death of Sheele.
The Tree Beasts Arc: Vol. 3 (5 chapters)
The Jaegers Arc: Vol. 4 (5 chapters)
The Attack from Team Stylish Arc: Vol. 5-6 (8 chapters) - could be included in Jaegers Arc.
From Ch. 28 forward, the arcs are named
Religious Organization Battle Arc: Vol. 7-9 (28-53, 16 chapters) - arc name stated at end of ch. 28. No other arc name is mentioned before ch. 43. Further breakdown could be possible, but I am counting from the moment they receive the mission ot kill Borick until they finally do so. (From firs mention of arc name to next mentioned arc named)
Empire in Chaos Arc: Vol. 10 - present (chapter 44 forward) - arc name stated at end of ch. 43. "Empire Capital in Chaos Arc" is mentioned at the end of chapter 49. I don't know if is a new arc or a different translation of the same arc. I'm assuming the latter. I haven't seen any other arc named.
Wow Kiadony, this pesudo-spoiler has just taken the fun from this series.
I am a manga reader, so I don't care, being spoiled by the manga, to see the anime to see how they adapt the content.
However, the anime spoiling the manga, just doesn't cut it for me. My manga experience has been ruined, even taking into consideration the changes that could happen due to the different plot points between the anime and the manga.
It's a sad day for me. It's not your fault. The info is out there. The mangaka said it. It is not that I didn't want to know, as much as I didn't like the info given.
I was just hoping to be surprised by the manga. That's all.
Well, I always thought that Akame was the only plot-safe lead character, hence the name of the manga, but having just read another title where the character after whom the manga was named was unexpectedly killed, then I thought, it's ok, everything goes, specially in AgK! Could be her death, if she does die, will be remember for generations to come.
As to the E/T pairing, regardless of personal views about her, that's too much butter for so little bread. Nah, the Mine pairing seems more on par.
I would actually prefer even the members of the groups to be listed, like they were before, instead of using the portals. Same reason given as the Teigu.
I was the one who did the portals for the Teigus, after it was done for the characters, and although I did for consistency, I do prefer lists.
This brings forth another question. Currently, it isn't a problem. If the fanart is in good taste, and there is so little of it, why restrict it? This was the main reason for the current consensus. It isn't a real problem. Why don't we postpone the restricition to when this actually becomes a problem, if it indeed becomes one.
On the other note, of course images should only be AgK related, although if allowed, fanart with AgK crossovers could be ok.
How are this episode affected by copyrights law? Wikia accepts videos. Could we include them, giving each its own page? Could we include small segments from it? At the end of the day, it would be the same as an animated gif.
Regardless of whether or not to include the video, as I previously stated last time this question was asked, we could try to see how the "expansion" fits on one page. If it is too much, we could go with different pages. Now, I think that we could also include a transcription of each episodes. For this, each having its own article would be best.
Playing the devil's advocate here, although there could be a time where fanart is too much (how much is too much, who knows?), I really doubt this would become a fanart viewing site. My concern goes more on the side of how to moderate too much fanart.
This is a recurring topic which has been discussed, for which there has been consensus at certain times, but often comes back to be debated. The previous consensus was for it not be included in the articles themselves, but there was no prohibition on image galleries. So now, should the image galleries include or not fanart?
I don't have an opinion either way. On the one hand, I don't draw, I don't look for it, nor I upload any. On the other hand, I enjoy it sometimes when I see it.
I agree with the previous consensus that there be none in the articles themselves, but what about the galleries? With the current use of tabs for the galleries, it could be completely independent from the other images, so technically, there shouldn't be a problem. Nevertheless, as more and more fans start uploading fanart, this could indeed become a problem in the future.
First question, should it be allowed?
Second question, if allowed, what criteria to use and how to moderate it?
I hadn't noticed this problem. I agree. Remove mentioned, not appeared.
I, for one, would like to know how was Night Raid formed and how each got his/her Teigu.
Well, if that admin allow it, it's fine, if not, as long as it is consistent across articles, I don't mind the Uppercase. I think consistency should be the main criteria.