Tatsumi fuses with Tyrant goes berserk and kills Esdeath. In her final moments, Tatsumi says to her, he hopes that they won't be enemies in next life.
Well Night Raid aren't sadist and they are assassins, killing swiftly is their specialty.
Seeing your username and avatar makes this comment funny.
Unless if Mine and Tatsumi survives (they get married), or Tatsumi, Akame and Leone survives (the travel the world like said), i don't think there will be a happy ending, but since Mine is only comatose, i believe the well actually not happy but good ending can still happen. So just have faith.
No one here said Honest is a good person at all. In fact he's evil, but even so, it can't cover the fact that Esdeath is evil herself. She did order her troops to rape an entire village just to induce more war and enjoys torturing innocent people that are framed.
Well i wouldn't agree to removing all GIFs, especially the ones from Grand Chariot, Lionelle, Incursio etc.
Hmm i wouldn't really support that. We'll have to delete lots of image, also some images are better off as GIFs.
I wonder how do you even reach this conclusion? Madara and Esdeath have completely different mindset. Madara wishes to create peace albeit in a wrong way, while Esdeath just singlemindedly pursue more chaos than death.
I don't even know if i can call Esdeath's love for Tatsumi genuine since it feels more like an obssession from Esdeath's part. At least Madara genuinely loved his brother.
Long story short Otaku, stop comparing every series you follow with Naruto.
Indeed it was quite a pitiful end, he the puppeteer ended up being a puppet himself.
Honestly Esdeath is like a female version of Madara Uchiha for me
Except Madara fought to obtain peace of his own vision while Esdeath fought to increase war. :P
Yes she did.
With Tatsumi. He did overcome that.
Wave and Run survived too. =__=
Hmm i'd say this
I think it would, sword might be usable too, well either way is okay in this case.