42 Votes in Poll
I never watched the anime at all, Why? Because I'm too nervous to hear the Audio, I'm fine watching the AMV I've posted on Youtube...........But enough about this.
If Akame teamed up with Sheele, and if she was still alive, would they ever meet? Cause I think that would make a perfect Idea for my creation, DAYMARE: Dimension Wars. (^_^)
I wonder what would happen if Sheele wasn't killed. My theory is:
Sheele would still be there to comfort Tatsumi, And help in some circumstances where they need Extase.
Thinking of this makes my brain explode ;-;
What are your theories about this?
A lot of people mourned the loss of Sheele at the hands of Seryu Ubiquitous and her Imperial Arms, Koro.
But what if the situation was reversed? What if Seryu shot Mine instead, and Mine was the one who was slaughtered and devoured by Koro while Sheele escaped?
How would this affect the Akame ga Kill universe with Mine's death in place of Sheele's?
Voice your opinions... now.