We only see in the anime once I think and it never got a name. Does Gran Chariot has a spear, I mean maybe we never saw because maybe Wave never thought he could do it, just like invisibility (Wave does´t know he can do that). I mean isn´t Gran Chariot a better version of Incursio.
I saw a threat asking about whether Grand Chariot was made from Tyrant's flesh. I personally think this is a somewhat foolish idea. If Incursio and Grand Chariot had the same material, wouldn't they look the same in many ways? Also, it is clear that Grand Chariot CANNOT evolve, which is a very important part of Incursio, and by extension Tyrant. So I would say that Grand Chariot is made from a different danger beast, given the fact that despite their similarities, Incursio can evolve and adapt, whereas Grand Chariot cannot and that the danger beast shown behind Tatsumi when first donning Incursio's armor and the one behind Wave when he dons Grand Chariot's armor are different. If you can provide information correcting me, then please reply. It makes me feel more involved in the AgK community.
This is something that i've been thinking about for a bit. Since Incursio is the prototype of Grand Chariot, does Grand Chariot have some parts of Tyrant's flesh in it, or is it a completely different Danger Beast?