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It has been announced that the akame ga kill manga will be officially ending with the release of the 15th volume this winter.
More information can be found here-
How come everyone in the anime is dead (except some) and they are (almost) all ok in the manga?
I only watched the anime, so i am just asking.
Just an issue i thought of while trying to write the summary for Tatsumi's page and after a brief discussion with Gen, we deciced to ask for everyone's opinion on how to split the AGK! manga into arcs.
Well people, time to start the end of the manga. Everyone will die. \^___^/
I am asking this question since I have seen the Anime, and I didn't like the ending very much because it was so tragic that it reminded of a tragedy play, which isn't something I like very much.
hi there everyone.
alot of people are recommanding this manga to me. but what i want to know if it has something unique? you know, not just another shounen action manga with the cliched emphasis on nakama (freindship) and fanservice. and tell me about the story and the artwork, is the story well plotted?is the art well detailed (it looks like shaman king's to me)?
try not spoil any major plot elements please. and thanks for reading my message.