What do you hope will happen the most, in the new sequel manga? I hoping that the author fixes some of the mistakes in the final chapter of Ga Kill.
- Tatsumi not being able to regain his Human form
- Tatsumi x Mine. (You gotta admit, it's one of the WORST, most half-assed pairings in manga/anime)
- Leone's death (I hope Takahiro reverses this somehow. It's litterally, the most POINTLESS character death I've ever seen. Unlike the other deaths that actually meant something.)
I will say though, it was hinted in chapter 3 of the sequel, that Tatsumi could be returned to normal, as that is one goal that Akame is trying to achieve. Along with removing her curse mark. It was also stated that removing her curse could possibly be done. If they can do these two things... Removing her curse, and returning Tatsumi back into a Human... Then they can surely bring Leone back. They might as well bring her back, considering that her death did nothing for the plot. And also because she obviously loved Tatsumi, and she never got to tell him.
But what are your guys' biggest hope?