Prime Minister, and his son that was killed, and Seryu that was also killed as well but Prime Minister is at the very top of the list he deserves a very painful death.
I absolutely hate Champ! Syura and Enshin aren't much better.
Seryuu, Honest, and Champ, he killed kids dammit
The 3 character I really hate are Prime Minister Honest, Syura (the only character in the dub with a horrible sounding voice), and Seryu (because that bitch killed Sheele).
It's surprizing that some people hate Seryu more than Champ.
>If you're surprise by this. It's because they're anime watchers who don't read the manga. They have zero clue who is Champ. Most anime watchers hate Seryu because for killing Sheele.
I have a friend who reads the manga, he hates them both...
Seryu, the Minister, and Koro. I cn't elieve that this is even a question
@Lady Satsuki: Koro is Seryu's Imperial Arms, he is that dog thing that ate Sheele and Chelsea's bodies. That's who Koro is.