In general, are there any parts of AgK story that you wish were expanded upon?
For example, I would like to know more about "The Lord"'s half-Danger Beast heritage. Come on, it's something potentially interesting, I can't believe it was just noted like it was nothing.
Also, what about Stylish's experiments? They only served as something Syura used to cause havoc and later as a plot device for Wild Hunt to be disbanded. But how come they just kind of swept the implications of a possible human-Danger Beast splicing under the rug, again?
Lastly, being such a big fan of Ran (or Run, whatever), I'd like to know more about his past, too. Namely, what did he do after getting into the military, and how did he become good enough to be recruited into the Jaegers?
Another part is this (quoting myself from elsewhere):
The series never elaborated upon what Ran went through, mentally, after seeing those kids slaughtered. I'm pretty sure he was broken in some way, why else would he pursue Champ so relentlessly and torture him so brutally? And that's what interests me - thinking about a character's psychology, how he was never able to get over it etc.
I'm expanding upon his character in my terrible fanfic now.
God, I'm ashamed of myself ._.